Split, development, standstill based on the history of the Berlin Wall
Friday, 9th July, 12:45pm
VENUE: “Panel 1 – 9th July” room
The Berlin Wall divided the city for 28 years. Since its fall in 1990 it became a symbol for a split that has been successfully overcome. As a monumental building, it was also a striking symptom of a profound split within the German-German society that still holds on. How are dividing processes of social realities associated with splits in the inner world? Did the Berlin Wall, similar to the myth of the Tower of Babel, mean that people in West and East no longer speak the same language? What role do memorials play in the process of working through the side effects of the history of the division of Berlin? The panel addresses these and other questions in discussion with each other and with the audience.
Panel 1 Speakers:
Dr. Juliane Haubold-Stolle
Juliane Haubold-Stolle studied history and political science in Göttingen, Torun and Geneva. She worked as a curator and research assistant in different museums. Her current position is in the Berlin Wall Foundation (Stiftung Berliner Mauer) in Berlin, her current project an open air exhibition explaining the history of the East Side Gallery.
Dr. Remko Leemhuis
Remko Leemhuis has been serving as AJC Berlin Ramer Institute’s Acting Director since September 2019. His areas of focus include contemporary antisemitism, Islamism, and security issues. Dr. Leemhuis studied political and oriental studies at the Philipps University of Marburg and the University of Berkeley, California. He received his Ph.D. in 2018, writing on German Middle East policy in the 1960s and 1970s.
Dagmar von Wilcken
Dagmar von Wilcken (* 1958) is a German exhibition designer.
Wilcken studied object design and visual communication at the Berlin University of the Arts until 1987. Since 1995 she has focused on the Holocaust. Her most famous exhibitions include Jews in Berlin – 1938–1945 in the Berlin Center Judaicum (2000) and the place of information for the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin opened in 2005.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Claudia Nagel
President Elect of ISPSO, Professor of Organization Sciences, Chair Change and Identity, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL, Visiting Professor Hull University Business School, UK.
Claudia is a trained psychoanalyst, organizational psychologist and economist. She runs her own consulting firm Nagel & Company leadership consulting and works with top executives and boards on leadership, strategy and change issues. She also is an author, her latest books are “Psychodynamic Coaching” (2021) and “Behavioral Strategy. Thoughts and feelings in the decision-making process” (2014) and speaks frequently on international conferences and corporate occasions.