Marc Maltz & Nicola Wreford-Howard
1-day Professional Development Workshop PDW1
Social Dreaming (SD) has developed a wide community and evolving practice. This workshop is designed to familiarize and train individuals in the art of hosting a SD matrix, both online and in real life situations. We will offer both theory and practice in SD and in taking the role of host in a matrix. Our objective is to provide you the underpinning to further explore dreams in groups, incorporating SD in your practice and organization. This workshop is designed for all levels of SD experience: Familiarizing first-time participants in the art of hosting a SD matrix and providing experienced SD hosts a space to share case studies & reflect on various forms of design & application. The workshop takes place online during the conference with two review and reflections sessions after the symposium.
- Time and space to explore and reflect developments in Social Dreaming
- Join and co-create the international Social Dreaming community
- History of Social Dreaming
- The Social Dreaming host role
- Applications and design / Case studies
- Ongoing Peer group learning and supervision
1 Online kick off meeting 5th July (120 min 13-15:00 pm Berlin CEST)
1 Continuous online dream – reflection space
2 Follow up meetings online (120 min – Fridays 13-15:00 pm Berlin CEST)
12 Online social dreaming matrices optional during the AM2021 (60 min each) Berlin EAST: 9-10am CEST and Berlin WEST 17-18:00 pm CEST
- Experience co-hosting an ISPSO Social Dreaming matrix & reflection
- Reflect individually and with peers on the ISPSO Social Dreaming experience
- Explore patterns of connection for SD application in our roles and organizations
- Co-create an ongoing SD reflection space after the online annual meeting
Suggested reading:
For slides with a brief Introduction on Social Dreaming : See links
Long, S. and Manley, J. (Eds.), (2018). Social Dreaming: Philosophy, research and practice. London: Routledge.
Lawrence, W.G. (2005). Introduction to Social Dreaming: Transforming Thinking. London: Karnac.
Your hosts:

Nicola Wreford-Howard
Nicola advises executives and teams on innovation, collaboration and creative leadership. She draws on extensive experience in international management, organizational analysis, systemic business process innovation and experience design. She facilitates leadership listening & learning, holds time & space for incubators and think tanks to explore and design next steps after now.
Nicola has worked for a range of international corporations, Government Organisations, INGO’s , startups and business schools in the U.S., Europe and Asia. She is on the board of directors of ISPSO and of CSD – Centre for Social Dreaming .

Marc Maltz
Marc has helped CEOs, Presidents, Boards and senior officers to develop and transform their organizations, manage risk and improve productivity for over 25 years.
His work in organizational and leadership development, change management and organizational resilience has enabled clients to gain personal insights, tackle difficult situations and achieve new levels of success. Marc specializes in helping clients develop organizational resiliency, a key component for any firm navigating complex business conditions, shifts in the marketplace or other organizational change.